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MANUAL. Valken. ENERGY. MANUAL. ENERGY. QUICK. ALIPO. UCHARGER. PRODUCT: # 103500 / 103517. BALANCING CHARGER. 2-4 CELL LiPo. A WARNING: NEVER CHARGE. Valken Smart Compact Charger (Balancing) for LiPo Batteries. Please read your battery charger instructions, use correct LiPo approved charger/battery, Connect the battery pack to the charger with the small XH charging connector and make sure the polarity is connected in the right way. Then charging will start The Valken 2-3 Cell LiPo Compact Balancing Smart Charger is a balancing smart charger for LiPo airsoft batteries. The LiPo charger comes with a power cord,The Valken compact balancing charger is compact, light, and can charge a 2 cell or 3 cell Li-po or Li-fe battery pack. There are separate corresponding balance READ THIS ENTIRE INSTRUCTION MANUAL TO LEARN ABOUT. SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES, AND SAFETY INFORMATION. INTRODUCTION. The ElectriFly™ LiPo Battery Charger Valken compact balancing charger manual Balance ports support the 7. discuss about v powered by Peatix : More than a ticket. There are separate corresponding balance ports for each type of battery pack. Please read the user manual carefully before charging. Product details. valken airsoft battery valken lithium ion battery valken battery charger valken airsoft reviewvalken compact balancing 2-3 cell lipo/life manual. Valken.
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